Were’ back in Genesis. God’s narrative enters into its first complication. Man has fallen and now the dire consequences are about to be revealed.

Prior to the Fall, Adam and Eve enjoyed an unparalleled intimacy with God. There was no such thing as shame or “nakedness” because there was nothing to be ashamed of – nothing to hide. And yet, the moment that Adam and Eve fell – they “realised” they were naked and hid themselves before the Lord — their Creator who knows them better than they know themselves.

The Fall did not just cause a RIFT in the relationship between God and Man. It was also the first time we would see everything from the FALLEN perspective.

Let me remind you if two things: becoming a new creation in Christ does not negate our past. True salvation always brings one to a true state of repentance. Thus, there is a sincere and urgent desire to “make things right” regardless of the consequence to your pride or spotless reputation.

But because of Jesus, we have been declared “guilty but forgiven”. Now, there is no reason for shame or hiding. Moreover, we now have the opportunity to see our valleys from a different perspective — not from that of the Fallen but from that of the Redeemed.

Why didn’t God save me then? Why did he allow me to fall so low? That is, a very good question — one that we must ask God: The Writer. Remember, there is no happenstance, there are no “plot holes”. This is God’s story — and He’s got it down to the very last detail.

Look at the timeline that you made yesterday, now try to reflect on the times where you “fell”. If they are not currently on the timeline, add them.

  •       What factors contributed to this fall — people? circumstances? doubts?
  •       Recall the feelings you had following your fall — guilt? shame? rebellion?
  •       What happened after? What consequences followed?
  •       What has Jesus done for you? What is He telling you now?

Do you feel the need to hide your nakedness before holy God? Preach the gospel to yourself. Do certain areas of past still evoke a sense of shame in you? Pray for the Lord to cover it with the blood of Jesus. Pray that the Lord give you His assurance of forgiveness and salvation.

While the past cannot be undone – you have nothing to be ashamed of, not anymore. You stand before Holy God and all He can see now, is the blood of His Son clothing you in His Righteousness.

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I’m Xaris

I’m a Witness. Warrior. Woman.

1 Thessalonians 4:11

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